

What People Say

This awesome children's book beautifully shows how nature and agriculture can work together in perfect harmony. With colorful illustrations and captivating storytelling, young readers will not only have a great time but also learn about the advantages of organic farming. It's a fantastic way to inspire the next generation to protect our planet and make eco-friendly choices.
Dr. Sangeeta V. Sharma, Ph.D. (IITB)
Interim Director & Deputy Director
SIES Indian Institute of Environment Management
SIES Research and Activity Centre
Bow the Handsome Boll Weevil is a beautiful story of discovery. It shows children how their clothes can be part of a healthy ecosystem through the discoveries of Bow, who learns how his spectatular bowties are made. It teaches the importance of natural choices and awareness of one's ecological impact.
Nick Anguelov, Ph.D.
Associate Professor,
Department of Public Policy
University of Massachusetts,
“With this book, L.A. has succeeded in teaching children about the fashion industry and its effect on the planet and the creatures in a funny, learning, and caring way.
Mette Hjermind Dencker
Life Coach
Former Member of Danish Parliament
“I have read in one go this totally enjoyable book – the illustrations are simply great, and ready to be commuted into a Cartoon Movie to reach a wider audience internationally - the contents are easy to read but, at the same time with a deep meaningful message The Book is a Bug’s Tale, a storytelling explaining the process of cultivating and obtaining cotton, the aim is to raise awareness amongst kids, about the damages on the environment caused by the textile industry. In my humble opinion, the author has found the perfect formula a combination of striking drawings and a sensible story, to catch the attention of the future leadership that will inherit from us and past careless generations, the burden of literally saving the world and protecting Mother Nature from further permanent damages. I think this book, although is designated to an audience of young kids, could be easily engage with an audience of adults as well! I do strongly recommend this beautiful and sensitive reading to our kids, parents, gran parents, and everyone else who is worried about the future of our beautiful Planet” Thank you
Irene Iri Nunziante
CEO & Founder at IN JOY Vintage
Sustainable Fashion
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BOW The Handsome Boll Weevil BOW The Handsome Boll Weevil BOW The Handsome Boll Weevil